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AMMO OF MIG: colore acrilico 17ml; WASHABLE BLACK

AMMO OF MIG: colore acrilico 17ml; WASHABLE BLACK
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Cod. art.: AMIG0104
Disponibilità: disponibile


Washable Black acrylic color is a special formula designed for a wide range of effects. Create the appearance of chipped and worn black, as well as shading and weathering effects. Ideal for the Black & White technique. This paint is acrylic and formulated for maximum performance both with brush and airbrush. Water soluble, odorless, and non-toxic. Shake well before each use. Each jar includes a stainless steel agitator to facilitate mixture. We recommend A.MIG-2000 Acrylic Thinner for correct thinning. Dries completely in 24 hours.

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