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AK INTERACTIVE: schiuma effetto acqua - 100ml (Acrylic)

AK INTERACTIVE: schiuma effetto acqua - 100ml (Acrylic)AK INTERACTIVE: schiuma effetto acqua - 100ml (Acrylic)AK INTERACTIVE: schiuma effetto acqua - 100ml (Acrylic)
Usa la rotella di scorrimento del mouse per ingrandire l'immagine
Cod. art.: AK8036
Disponibilità: ultimi pezzi


Powder snow texture to for use over terrain or vehicle surfaces to achieve thawing snow or the first phases of a snowfall. It can be fixed with white glue, with varnish or with gravel & sand and in combination with wet effects to achieve perfect results. It can also be mixed with AK Puddles to get different kinds of dirty snow.

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